
Giving - one-off donations

Giving - monthly donation

Holy Trinity – like all other parish churches – does not receive any government or diocesan funding. The PCC is a registered charity (Charity No 1134135) and, one way or another, we have to raise all of the £110,000 or so needed in our annual budget. This we do principally through the very generous stewardship of our church members and the donations of visitors to the church, and being able to reclaim 25% Gift Aid on most of it is clearly incredibly valuable. We raise the majority of the remainder from fundraising events such as the ‘Street Market’, from wedding and funeral fees, and from fees for church lettings.

A commitment to giving on a regular basis is the most effective way of ensuring a regular income for our church and enables the Parochial Church Council to plan ahead with confidence.

Making a commitment to regular financial support helps…

  • to sustain the work and mission of the church with young families and in our schools, and to care for the ill, lonely and bereaved and the elderly members of our communities
  • to sustain our church building – a place of worship at the centre of the community, open for all to wander in and out, for regular services, for major festivals and community events, and for those important family occasions in our lives – christenings, weddings and funerals
  • to sustain a Christian presence to promote the values which matter in our local community and society

You can give by Standing Order and you can also give by leaving a tax-free legacy to Holy Trinity in your will. If you can, please consider filling out a Gift Aid form as Gift Aid allows us to reclaim income tax of £2.50 on every gift of £10 received, whatever the amount donated. 


For more information please contact:
Benefice Office Holy Trinity Church, Church Street, Bradford on Avon, BA15 1LW
Tel: 01225 864444

We are daily aware of how incredibly generous God is towards us, and so firmly believe, as a church, that it is our joy and our responsibility to respond, for ‘God loves a cheerful giver’. We are deeply grateful for every penny we receive and we are committed to use it wisely and to his glor