Holy Week & Easter 2023
Alleluia! Christ is risen. He is risen indeed. Alleluia!
Eastertide is a time when the whole church celebrates the joy of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. And it is a time when we can let that joy spread to all those around us. For our message of joy, hope and new life – together with the promise that we are not on our own, for Christ is ‘with us always’ – is absolutely what people want to hear right now. It has been a long, long couple of years, a hard road – and we are all facing forward now in a tentative spirit of hope.
Revd Canon Dr Joanna Abecassis
PALM SUNDAY: Sunday, 2 April, 2023
We begin by hearing the Palm Gospel which proclaims Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem and having our palm crosses blessed, and then break into song with ‘All glory, laud and honour’. We are then ready to celebrate this great Festival with Holy Communion. At Westwood and Wingfield the Dramatised Passion according to Matthew will be read.
9.30am – Holy Trinity and St Mary, Wingfield
11.15am – St Mary the Virgin, Westwood
6pm – Holy Trinity – Choral Evensong
Wednesday, 5 April
10am: Holy Trinity – Eucharist
Maundy Thursday, Thursday, 6 April
8pm: Holy Trinity – The Liturgy of Maundy Thursday with a Sung Eucharist with Holy Trinity Choir, as we commemorate the Last Supper – and ending with the stripping of the altar, the dramatic reading of the Gospel of the Watch and then the Watch until 10pm.
Good Friday, Friday, 7 April
10am: St Mary, Wingfield – The Liturgy of Good Friday
11am: BACT walk of witness from Westbury Gardens to Christ Church
2pm: Holy Trinity – The Liturgy of Good Friday with the Holy Trinity Choir
8am – Holy Trinity – Eucharist (Traditional language)
9.30am – Holy Trinity – Sung Eucharist with the Holy Trinity Choir
9.30am – St Mary, Wingfield – Family Holy Communion
11.15am – St Mary the Virgin, Westwood – Family Holy Communion
All are welcome.
You can see our special Holy Week and Easter services from 2021 on Holy Trinity’s YouTube channel https://bit.ly/3sOhr8X
The Easter Sunday 2021 service was brought to you by members of the Scout and Guide movements in Bradford on Avon.