Eco Church
Integral to Christian mission is good stewardship of our God-given environment, and Holy Trinity aims to uphold the highest standards in caring for creation at parish level. Salisbury was the first Eco Diocese (awarded by the UK section of the global charity A Rocha) and Holy Trinity has achieved a Silver Award.
The work we undertake to keep up the standards of the Silver Award includes:
• Using eco-friendly products for cleaning and hospitality; this includes using Fairtrade and palm-oil free products where possible
• Efficient use of energy for heating and lighting
• Coverage of environmental issues in our monthly magazine, Parish News
• Teaching about environmental awareness through preaching at Sunday services and in themes chosen for the monthly informal service In The Round
• Managing the churchyard to optimise nature conservation and biodiversity, as well as an amenity for the wider community
In the autumn of 2018 we held an entire weekend of events on environmental awareness. ‘Greener Bradford’ attracted stallholders from across town and beyond, from flower growers and arrangers to a forest nursery school and campaigners against plastic waste.
Swift boxes have also been installed in the tower and during Swift Awareness Week in 2019, we held an exhibition of paintings and talk on swifts. We also joined the Town Council’s Blue Campaign, marking two areas in our churchyard to be left unmown for a period to allow wildflowers to appear. We have surveyed our churchyard for flora and fauna and monitor it regularly. Many people enjoy this green space as somewhere to walk, rest, reflect and notice nature at work.
For more information on the eco-church project, visit
To find out about Holy Trinity’s eco work, contact Revd Dr Ali Green,